Holiday challenge 2 make a game that is suitable for our school and keeps everyone active. It is a very simple game. There are four different coloured hoops. Lets say red, yellow, green and blue. Ther can be 3 of each 5 of each or just 1 of each aslong as they have the same amount. There can be four ways of playing this game. The first one is that everyone gets into a colour hoop and the caller calls a colour. Say they pick yellow Everyone has 5 seconds to out of a yellow hoop if you dont get into another colour in time you are out. The caller cannot look until they call a colour, then they look and see who doesn't make it in time. After the people who loses gets out the caller calls another colour and the game goes until 1 person is left. The second on is everyone gets into a hoop and the caller calls a colour, everyone in the colour that the caller chose is out colour is now out. After everyone that loses gets out ypou have 10 seconds to get into a new hoop or stay in the same. The caller cannot look at who is in what colour and has to look away when calling. The third is everyone gets into a hoop and then the caller calls a colour and everyone has 5 seconds to get into the colour the caller said. If you do not make it in time you are out. The caller can't look until they call a colour and then they look to see who doesn't make it. After the people who loses gets out the caller calls another colour and the game goes until 1 person is left. The last one is the caller calls a colour and everyone runs to that colour anyone who doesn't make it in 5 seconds is out. If the game isn't ending you can move the hoops further away from eachother, remove 1 or 2 hoops or have less time to get to the hoops.
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