
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Rocket science

For the past three weeks we have been doing rocket science. This week was amazing and here is my reflection: This week was amazing. We tested rockets, and our group was first! We used a 1.5 L&P bottle. Our plan was 1 and 1 quarter cups of water and 50 PSI. We went really high I hoped for 25 metres, but we went like 13 metres but im okay with that. Our rocket got us third. The group that won used 40 PSI and ¼ cups  But the most important thing in this lesson was forces and like how if you don’t and drop a ball it won’t the ball loses force in the drop. ROCKET SCIENCE = AMAZING (Edited) I'm back to tell you more about forces. Let me say this, if you throw a ball and it barely goes anywere because it you didn't put enough force. Like a ball kick a ball and it barely moves there is not enough force in the kick. I hope you learn something from this.

1 comment:

  1. I am really pleased you are enjoying the Rocket Challenge, I am too! You should pop the video in here so others can see how cool it was.
    I would love to know a little more about what you know about forces. Your explanation doesn't quite make sense. Love your passion and can't wait to see your rocket next week :)
