Monday, July 29, 2019
At WW3. Free writing
Day 1 WW3 started it was Tom, Hirris Sioneboy and I, we were all rushing Gallipoli. Sioneboy boy took the first shot, then we all fired. Sadly Hirris toe got hit but he carried on with the rest of us. While Hirri's, Sioneboy and I kept on shooting Tom sneakily got behind the enemies. Firing is AK47 he killed at least 7 people. All sight went on him, dogding bullets left and right. Tom has been in Matrix so his dodging skills were on point. While our foes were distracted by Tom, Hirris, Sioneboy and I took fire killing eveyone left. We all did a great job for day one, so we went to the back of the hill and walked our way to the top. As we went to celebrate we realised Tom was lying on the ground, he wasn't celebrating with us and he had a hole right through his shoulder. So we took him home preparing for day 2. DAY 2 Tom has recovered but I think he'll miss out today so it will probably just Sioneyboy, Hirris and I. As we sailed away we saw someone in the shadows of our boat. We jumped back from fright, but it was only Tom. We were all surprised to see that Tom was able and happy to battle with us in Gallipoli considiring he had a hole in his shoulder. This time we thought of a plan, grenade the whole place to clear any traps. Suprisingly enough, it worked! Then we set fire. I threw some spare grenades we had left over. It blew up so many foes, but another thing it blew was Sioneboy's cover. He snuck behing the enimies and hid behind a rock. He got very unlucky with the rock exploding, but very lucky not to get seen or fired at. Another day of celebration only to find someone was injured. Tom's shoulder was worse he said the battle was up to the three of us, and the explosion of the grenade I threw causing Sioneboy to get injured to, blowing off his arm. Our crew has been very lucky two days no deaths, sadly though three injuries. On our way home to our beloved country New Zealand, we wonder how us two Hirris and I could fight off all of our foes. The last sentence was "Sioneboy and Tom are injured, so now it's only Hirris and I. How will this go? That's for the future to decide. But for now lets get prepared!" Plan after plan after plan as day 3 slowly comes, but then then the perfect plan came to mind. Day 4, day 5, day 6, even day 7 making the ultimate weapon, a cloak machine. we cloaked us and our boat. Sioneboy and Tom stayed back as island supporters. We grenaded the place and trigered several traps Hirris snuck around and did so much damage and the gun had given his invisbility away and I threw so many grenades that it blew up most of the island killing everyone left! We uncloaked ourselves and our boat but realised our boat was no longer there. This is such a disaster and no doubt that reinforces were coming in any time now. We looked each other in the eye and said "Let's cloak up and get ready for battle number 2!" Day 8. Tom and Sioneboy saw that our boat was back at land and rushed in but we were not there. They rushed in to Gallipoli to see how thing were going. Miles and miles of just walking, we found the where the reinforcements were coming from. I had no idea where Hirris was so I waited for a signal of him. Gunshots in the air as he fires his Assault Rifle, then I came in. I did not bring a gun, just a knife and a whole lot of grenades, so I ran in. We killed hundres and thousands of foes but no matter how many times we killed there would always be one to back them up... ...Several months later... I sensed somebody behind me and through my knife. Caught in an instant. I freaked out, but it was only Tom and Sioneboy. "What are you doing here" I said "I thought you couldn't make it?" ''Sioneboy had some trouble but I was fine" Tom said. "We have killed them all" I said as I uncloaked Hirris and I only to discover something horrible once more. Hirris was not moving he was either unconscious or dead we thought. "The boat has, wait how did you get here" I said "The boat floated back to NZ" Tom replied... ...Hours later... Back at NZ in a hospital. DING! DING! DING! We rushed Hirris in "Will he be okay" Instantly came out of my mouth. "He has been unconscious, do you know how long for." "Hours" Sioneboy replied. Um, are you okay? Yes. Yes I lost my arm in battle" he said. "Yeah" I said nervously. "Do you know who did it." "NO!" I snapped. " Well, your patient has broken 3 toes on the left and his foot on the right due to an explosion im guessing." "Well that's what we guessed, but we don't actually know." "Well he's going to be...'' We all took a deep breathe ''Alright'' We were all feeling so relieved hearing that Hirris would be okay. Just the feeling that awesome feeling of survival. ''Excuse me'' We all turned in shock. ''Would you like to be seen your arm looks like it could use some fixing.'' Well if It's fine with Sioneboy then sure. MORE COMING SOON!
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
First encounters
This is my first encounters facts sheet. It is an information report that everyone did from week 6 to week 9. I've published mine and it is here below hope you like it.
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