
Monday, March 25, 2019

Weekends week 9 free write

Monday the 25th of March free writing and I chose to write about my weekend Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday. I woke up in the morning pretty early to get to Whangarei because my brother had a soccer game and tomorrow he had a game in Auckland.We packed everything we needed yesterday and when it was time we left. We went to Tikipunga  (which is in Whangarei) to watch Qaiden's game. I watched the first 10 minutes but then I played with some people I´d seen at one of Qaiden's other games. Qaiden won his game 1 to 0 and after his game we went shopping with Nana. We bought cheese, two packs of shaved ham, buns, doughnuts and ice blocks. We went home and watched TV for a while because Nana lives alone so she doesn't have much to do. Qaiden and mum came home because they were watching his coach play. For dinner we had tacos we went to our cousins house for a hour and came back we stayed up a little longer and went to bed. Sunday coming soon


  1. This sounds like a massive day for you, but so great that you support your brother with his sports. Maybe you could try to add some of how you felt, what it was like when you woke up etc. Just to give a little more detail to help paint a picture of your day in the reader's mind.

  2. Hi Koda nice blog and great work on supporting your brother in his game.
